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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have become increasingly important in recent years due to their state-of-the-art performance on many important downstream applications. Existing GNNs have mostly focused on learning a single node representation, despite that a node often exhibits polysemous behavior in different contexts. In this work, we develop a persona-based graph neural network framework called PersonaSAGE that learns multiple persona-based embeddings for each node in the graph. Such disentangled representations are more interpretable and useful than a single embedding. Furthermore, PersonaSAGE learns the appropriate set of persona embeddings for each node in the graph, and every node can have a different number of assigned persona embeddings. The framework is flexible enough and the general design helps in the wide applicability of the learned embeddings to suit the domain. We utilize publicly available benchmark datasets to evaluate our approach and against a variety of baselines. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of PersonaSAGE for a variety of important tasks including link prediction where we achieve an average gain of 15% while remaining competitive for node classification. Finally, we also demonstrate the utility of PersonaSAGE with a case study for personalized recommendation of different entity types in a data management platform.
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The rapid development of remote sensing technologies have gained significant attention due to their ability to accurately localize, classify, and segment objects from aerial images. These technologies are commonly used in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with high-resolution cameras or sensors to capture data over large areas. This data is useful for various applications, such as monitoring and inspecting cities, towns, and terrains. In this paper, we presented a method for classifying and segmenting city road traffic dashed lines from aerial images using deep learning models such as U-Net and SegNet. The annotated data is used to train these models, which are then used to classify and segment the aerial image into two classes: dashed lines and non-dashed lines. However, the deep learning model may not be able to identify all dashed lines due to poor painting or occlusion by trees or shadows. To address this issue, we proposed a method to add missed lines to the segmentation output. We also extracted the x and y coordinates of each dashed line from the segmentation output, which can be used by city planners to construct a CAD file for digital visualization of the roads.
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We introduce camouflaged data poisoning attacks, a new attack vector that arises in the context of machine unlearning and other settings when model retraining may be induced. An adversary first adds a few carefully crafted points to the training dataset such that the impact on the model's predictions is minimal. The adversary subsequently triggers a request to remove a subset of the introduced points at which point the attack is unleashed and the model's predictions are negatively affected. In particular, we consider clean-label targeted attacks (in which the goal is to cause the model to misclassify a specific test point) on datasets including CIFAR-10, Imagenette, and Imagewoof. This attack is realized by constructing camouflage datapoints that mask the effect of a poisoned dataset.
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Light guide plates are essential optical components widely used in a diverse range of applications ranging from medical lighting fixtures to back-lit TV displays. In this work, we introduce a fully-integrated, high-throughput, high-performance deep learning-driven workflow for light guide plate surface visual quality inspection (VQI) tailored for real-world manufacturing environments. To enable automated VQI on the edge computing within the fully-integrated VQI system, a highly compact deep anti-aliased attention condenser neural network (which we name LightDefectNet) tailored specifically for light guide plate surface defect detection in resource-constrained scenarios was created via machine-driven design exploration with computational and "best-practices" constraints as well as L_1 paired classification discrepancy loss. Experiments show that LightDetectNet achieves a detection accuracy of ~98.2% on the LGPSDD benchmark while having just 770K parameters (~33X and ~6.9X lower than ResNet-50 and EfficientNet-B0, respectively) and ~93M FLOPs (~88X and ~8.4X lower than ResNet-50 and EfficientNet-B0, respectively) and ~8.8X faster inference speed than EfficientNet-B0 on an embedded ARM processor. As such, the proposed deep learning-driven workflow, integrated with the aforementioned LightDefectNet neural network, is highly suited for high-throughput, high-performance light plate surface VQI within real-world manufacturing environments.
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Deep neural networks (DNN) are prone to miscalibrated predictions, often exhibiting a mismatch between the predicted output and the associated confidence scores. Contemporary model calibration techniques mitigate the problem of overconfident predictions by pushing down the confidence of the winning class while increasing the confidence of the remaining classes across all test samples. However, from a deployment perspective, an ideal model is desired to (i) generate well-calibrated predictions for high-confidence samples with predicted probability say >0.95, and (ii) generate a higher proportion of legitimate high-confidence samples. To this end, we propose a novel regularization technique that can be used with classification losses, leading to state-of-the-art calibrated predictions at test time; From a deployment standpoint in safety-critical applications, only high-confidence samples from a well-calibrated model are of interest, as the remaining samples have to undergo manual inspection. Predictive confidence reduction of these potentially ``high-confidence samples'' is a downside of existing calibration approaches. We mitigate this by proposing a dynamic train-time data pruning strategy that prunes low-confidence samples every few epochs, providing an increase in "confident yet calibrated samples". We demonstrate state-of-the-art calibration performance across image classification benchmarks, reducing training time without much compromise in accuracy. We provide insights into why our dynamic pruning strategy that prunes low-confidence training samples leads to an increase in high-confidence samples at test time.
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Though impressive success has been witnessed in computer vision, deep learning still suffers from the domain shift challenge when the target domain for testing and the source domain for training do not share an identical distribution. To address this, domain generalization approaches intend to extract domain invariant features that can lead to a more robust model. Hence, increasing the source domain diversity is a key component of domain generalization. Style augmentation takes advantage of instance-specific feature statistics containing informative style characteristics to synthetic novel domains. However, all previous works ignored the correlation between different feature channels or only limited the style augmentation through linear interpolation. In this work, we propose a novel augmentation method, called \textit{Correlated Style Uncertainty (CSU)}, to go beyond the linear interpolation of style statistic space while preserving the essential correlation information. We validate our method's effectiveness by extensive experiments on multiple cross-domain classification tasks, including widely used PACS, Office-Home, Camelyon17 datasets and the Duke-Market1501 instance retrieval task and obtained significant margin improvements over the state-of-the-art methods. The source code is available for public use.
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Time-of-flight (ToF) distance measurement devices such as ultrasonics, LiDAR and radar are widely used in autonomous vehicles for environmental perception, navigation and assisted braking control. Despite their relative importance in making safer driving decisions, these devices are vulnerable to multiple attack types including spoofing, triggering and false data injection. When these attacks are successful they can compromise the security of autonomous vehicles leading to severe consequences for the driver, nearby vehicles and pedestrians. To handle these attacks and protect the measurement devices, we propose a spatial-temporal anomaly detection model \textit{STAnDS} which incorporates a residual error spatial detector, with a time-based expected change detection. This approach is evaluated using a simulated quantitative environment and the results show that \textit{STAnDS} is effective at detecting multiple attack types.
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The performance of differentially private machine learning can be boosted significantly by leveraging the transfer learning capabilities of non-private models pretrained on large public datasets. We critically review this approach. We primarily question whether the use of large Web-scraped datasets should be viewed as differential-privacy-preserving. We caution that publicizing these models pretrained on Web data as "private" could lead to harm and erode the public's trust in differential privacy as a meaningful definition of privacy. Beyond the privacy considerations of using public data, we further question the utility of this paradigm. We scrutinize whether existing machine learning benchmarks are appropriate for measuring the ability of pretrained models to generalize to sensitive domains, which may be poorly represented in public Web data. Finally, we notice that pretraining has been especially impactful for the largest available models -- models sufficiently large to prohibit end users running them on their own devices. Thus, deploying such models today could be a net loss for privacy, as it would require (private) data to be outsourced to a more compute-powerful third party. We conclude by discussing potential paths forward for the field of private learning, as public pretraining becomes more popular and powerful.
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We study the relationship between adversarial robustness and differential privacy in high-dimensional algorithmic statistics. We give the first black-box reduction from privacy to robustness which can produce private estimators with optimal tradeoffs among sample complexity, accuracy, and privacy for a wide range of fundamental high-dimensional parameter estimation problems, including mean and covariance estimation. We show that this reduction can be implemented in polynomial time in some important special cases. In particular, using nearly-optimal polynomial-time robust estimators for the mean and covariance of high-dimensional Gaussians which are based on the Sum-of-Squares method, we design the first polynomial-time private estimators for these problems with nearly-optimal samples-accuracy-privacy tradeoffs. Our algorithms are also robust to a constant fraction of adversarially-corrupted samples.
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